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Here is all the information you need to sign up for our best season yet!
2. Get your questions about our season/subscribing answered
Please note: Our current ticket sales focus on season subscriptions for our Signature Series concerts in February, March, and April. One of the benefits of subscribing is the opportunity to pre-purchase tickets for our fall lineup.
If you are interested in our remaining fall concerts, never fear! Individual tickets for Orchestra Games Family Concert and Epic Movie Music Battles ! NYE are currently available for individual ticket purchase through the Washington Center.
3. Look at our updated subscription seating map and price zones, including a map for Epic Movie Music Battles! NYE
Season Subscription Pricing:
Save 15% off of single ticket prices
Premium $234.75
A $209.25
B $183.75
C $145.50
D $120.00
E $89.40
F $56.25 Limited Availability
Orchestra Games Family Concert Pricing:
Adult $16.00
Youth $9.00
5 & Under $4.00
Epic Movie Music Battles! NYE Concert Pricing:
Save 15% off of single ticket prices
Premium $78.04
A $69.54
B $59.76
C $49.99
D $40.21
E $30.44
F $20.66 Limited Availability
4. Review our list of subscriber benefits, deadlines, and details
Important Benefits:
Save 15% on Season Subscription
Save 20% on Sweeney Todd Tickets
Save 15% on Epic Movie Music Battles! NYE Tickets
Important Deadlines:
Subscribing to Season + Add-On Concert Tickets - SEPT 1
Renewing with Same Seats - SEPT 15
Season Subscription (New or Renewing) - NOV 4
6. Questions? Contact us!
Office hours | M/W/F, 10 am - 2 pm
Office location | 3400 Capitol Blvd SE Suite 203 Olympia WA 98501
Phone | 360.753.0074
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